Component for detecting one or multiple claps.
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/clapper.js"></script>
- default true - if false will emitclap
on each clap. Default behaviour is to to emitclap
after one clap andclapclap
after two or more.trigger
- default 0.95 - how loud the clap needs to be to trigger.
<a-entity fire-item="el:#fire-me; on: clap;" clapper="debounce: true; trigger: 0.95;"></a-entity>
Component for firing dynamic physics objects on events
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-physics-system/v1.0.3/dist/aframe-physics-system.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/fire-item.js"></script>
<a-sphere id="fire-me" dynamic-body="shape: sphere;"></a-sphere>
<a-entity fire-item="el:#fire-me; on: click;"></a-entity> <!-- Fire an object on click -->
Component for cloning another entitiy’s object3D into this entity.
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/clone.js"></script>
<a-entity id="clone-me" geometry="primitive: cylinder; height: 0.5; radius: 1.3" rotation="-90 0 0" material="color: grey;"></a-entity>
<a-entity clone="clone-me" position="2 0 0"></a-entity> <!-- Duplicate object moved 2 units across -->
Components and Primitives for defining and using curves
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/curve.js"></script>
<!-- Points can be defined absolutely -->
<a-curve id="track1" curve="CatmullRom">
<a-curve-point position="-60 0 170"></a-curve-point>
<a-curve-point position="-60 15 260"></a-curve-point>
<a-curve-point position="0 10 280"></a-curve-point>
<a-curve-point position="30 10 240"></a-curve-point>
<!-- or they can be relative to the previous point -->
<a-curve id="track2" curve="CatmullRom">
<a-curve-point position="0 -4 0">
<a-curve-point position="-30 8 10">
<a-curve-point position="-30 -6 30">
<a-curve-point position="0 8 40">
<a-curve-point position="0 -2 40">
<a-curve-point position="0 25 50">
<!-- You can draw the curve (shader is included) -->
<a-draw-curve curve="#track2" material="shader: line; color: blue;"></a-draw-curve>
<!-- You can clone geometry along the curve -->
<a-entity clone-along-curve="curve: #track1; spacing: 6; scale: 1.5 1 2; rotation: 0 0 0;" obj-model="obj: #race-track-obj; mtl: #race-track-mtl;"></a-entity>
It provides a javascript api for hooking into scripting.
// Tries to return the nearest point on the curve.
// Curves which cross over themselves cause this to break down
document.getElementById('track1').components.curve.closestPointInLocalSpace(new THREE.Vector3(1,2,3));
- curve-updated - Fired when a curve-point has been changed or added and the curve has been regenerated.
One entity tries to follow another it is damped so if it is close it does not recover as much.
E.g. in this case the camera should point to and try to be behind the pink box
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/follow.js"></script>
<a-entity look-at="#ship" follow="target: #camera-target;">
<!-- Disable the default wasd controls we are using those to control the box -->
<a-camera position="0 2 0" wasd-controls="enabled: false;"></a-camera>
<a-entity geometry material="color: pink;" wasd-controls>
<!-- The camera target is an area 4 units behind the box -->
<a-entity id="camera-target" position="0 0 -4"></a-entity>
Based on the new material options added to A-Frame which are available in a-frame master
<script src="https://samsunginternet.github.io/a-frame-components/dist/ocean-plane.js"></script>
<img id="water-normal" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/examples/textures/waternormals.jpg" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<img id="skysphere" src="some-equirectangular-image.jpg" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<a-sky src="#skysphere" position="0 -1 0" rotation="0 -90 0"></a-sky>
<a-ocean-plane material="normalMap: #water-normal; sphericalEnvMap: #skysphere;"></a-ocean-plane>