Samsung Internet Dev Hub - Resources for developers

Developer Hub

The Physical Web is an open source project initiated by Google and supported by Samsung. Like regular Bluetooth beacons, Physical Web beacons can broadcast information that can be read by devices such as your smartphone, when you are within range.

Physical Web beacons broadcast short URLs, using the Eddystone-URL format. These can be detected by web browsers or other applications and used to display details about the web page.

Physical Web allows you to “walk up and use anything”. It reduces the friction for accessing web content, making relevant content just a tap away. Some examples could include:

  • A bus stop which broadcasts a link to the timetable
  • A museum which broadcasts online information about the current exhibits
  • A shop which broadcasts a special offer

Samsung Internet’s Physical Web service is called CloseBy. It can be enabled in the settings menu, from version 5.4.

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