Samsung Internet Dev Hub - Resources for developers

Developer Hub

The Skybox API for Samsung Internet for Gear VR allows you to display a custom 360 degree background.


Equirectangular images (spherical panoramas)

// First, check if the API is available
if ('SamsungChangeSky' in window) {
  // Set the spherical panorama image
  window.SamsungChangeSky({ sphere: '' });

Mono cubemap

To set the same cubemap for both eyes:

// First, check if the API is available
if ('SamsungChangeSky' in window) {
  // Set the cubemap images
  window.SamsungChangeSky({ front: 'f.png', back: 'r.png', left: 'l.png', right: 'r.png', up:  'u.png', down: 'd.png' });

Stereo cubemap

To set different cubemaps for each eye:

// First, check if the API is available
if ('SamsungChangeSky' in window) {
  // Set the cubemap images
  window.SamsungChangeSky({ Lfront: 'Lf.jpg', Lback: 'Lb.jpg', Lleft: 'Ll.jpg', Lright: 'Lr.jpg', Lup: 'Lu.jpg', Ldown: 'Ld.jpg',
    Rfront: 'Rf.jpg', Rback: 'Rb.jpg', Rleft: 'Rl.jpg', Rright: 'Rr.jpg', Rup: 'Ru.jpg', Rdown: 'Rd.jpg' });

Sample code


Browser support

The Skybox API was introduced in Samsung Internet for Gear VR version 4.2.

Further resources